There are always new songs on our platform
All the songs you download are yours forever, your access to the platform is for 1 year
Our songs are of high quality, WITHOUT VIGNETTES
We have all musical styless, you can donload just the folders you want
The songs have original versions, extended, extended versions, and exclusive REMIX versions
In addition to the new songs, we have most of the old songs that have already been sucessful around the world
After your purchase you will receive an email with your login and password to access the songs and donwload via a link I WANT THE BEST SONGS NOW
Yes, just click and download the songs to your pendrive and you can listen wherever you want
You only need internet the first time you download, after that you will never need internet again
Every month there are new songs on our platform, you will always be notifield by email too I WANT NEW SONGS
YES, we have a complete TUTORIAL that teaches you everything, basically just click and downlaod. Access support BY CLICKING HERE
Yes, we are serrious company our CNPJ é 29705741000-150 If you don’t like the song you can ask for your money back within 7 days I WANT TO BUY WITH GUARANTEE
Este site não faz parte do site do Facebook ou Facebook Inc. Além disso, este site NÃO é endossado pelo Facebook de forma alguma. FACEBOOK é uma marca comercial da FACEBOOK, Inc.
Contato: (053)999696603
Rua: Campo Bom, 2520 Bagé – RS
CNPJ: 29.705.741/0001-50
Copyright 2022 – Afonso Taborda – FIESTA CALIENTE ®
Todos os direitos reservados.